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  • Tantalum clad pressure vessel is a closed vessel that can withstand pressure. Tantalum clad pressure vessel is widely used. It plays an important role in many departments such as industry, civil, military industry, and many fields of scientific research. Most of them are used in the inorganic chemic
  • In pharmaceutical, chemical, dyestuff, tanning, metallurgy, and other industries, due to the demand of production process, a large number of various corrosive acids with different concentrations are usually used as catalysts, reaction carriers, or dehydrators. The corrosion resistance of steel machi
  • In recent years, due to the special requirements of the working environment of some large chemical enterprises, tantalum, rare metal material that can withstand high temperature and corrosion-resistant environment, has gradually entered people's attention. In the production and processing industry r
  • On the evening of 25 June 2022, Suntech Equipment held the 5th anniversary banquet in Ho Man Tang Hotel in Nanjing. On this occasion, Suntech Equipment would like to express her heartfelt thanks to all employees.
  • A special metal pressure vessel is a kind of closed vessel that can withstand pressure. In recent years, special metal pressure vessels have received more and more attention, and are being used by more and more enterprises in production. How much do you know about special metal pressure vessels?

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