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  • The solvent extraction methods of wet separation are highlighted as the modified N235-H2SO4 method. Hafnium zirconium is mainly used in the nuclear energy industry. The development of the zirconium and hafnium industries is closely related to the nuclear energy industry. It is of strategic importanc
  • The application areas of separation technology are diverse and therefore require extremely different solutions. Now we will introduce the characteristics, use, and installation of the zirconium separator. Here is the content list:lWhat are the characteristics of the zirconium separator?lHow to insta
  • The mechanical properties and thermal conductivity of zirconium are also very good, suitable for reactor shells, heat exchanger tube sheets, tower, or pipe components, so zirconium pressure vessels are also important non-ferrous metal structure materials in petrochemical, chemical, and other industr
  • A zirconium pressure vessel is a closed vessel that can withstand pressure. The use of pressure vessels is very wide, it has an important position and role in many sectors such as industry, civil, military, and many fields of scientific research. Among them, most of the zirconium pressure vessels ar
  • The reactor is a comprehensive zirconium pressure vessel, designed according to the reaction conditions for the structural function of the reactor and the configuration of accessories. It can complete the pre-set reaction steps with a high degree of automation from the beginning of feeding-reaction-

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